
GlassHeartTarotDeck 意味一覧

01: hourglass少しの期間となるが動かず相手からのアクションを待ってみる事
It will be a short period of time, but don't move and wait for the other party to take action.
02: stop長い期間となるが動かず相手からのアクションを待ってみる事
It will be a long period of time, but don't move and wait for the other party to take action.
03: secret letter2人きりの状態で文字のやり取りをする、他の人に見られない環境を作る
Exchanging letters in private, creating an environment where others cannot see you.
04: social groupグループで文字のやり取りをする。グループチャットや、SNS等でコメントを残すなど
Exchange text in groups. Group chat, leaving comments on social networking sites, etc.
05: letter of heart文字で思いを伝える、言えなかった事を言う、意思を公開する、告白、プロポーズ等、電話したい・会いたいと伝えるなど
Expressing thoughts in writing, saying what you couldn't say, making your intentions public, confessions, proposals, etc., telling people you want to call or see them, etc.
06: cafe短い時間会う事、顔を合わせる事に意味がある、カフェ・ランチなどさくっと会ってサクッと帰る
There is meaning in meeting for a short time and seeing each other face to face, meeting quickly at a café, lunch, etc., and leaving quickly.
07: skin ship沢山の時間会う事、信頼関係を築くように、スキンシップ(体)を取る事
Seeing each other for a lot of time, trying to build trust, skin-to-skin (physical) contact.
08: propose何か思いを伝える事、言えなかった事を言う、意思を公開する、告白、プロポーズ等
To express some thoughts, to say what could not be said, to make intentions public, to confess, to propose, etc.
09: short phone音声で短い時間会話する・1、2個までのカテゴリーに絞る・簡潔さを意識する
Conduct short conversations in audio, limit to one or two categories, and be aware of brevity.
10: long phone音声で沢山会話する・色々な相談をする・2,3つ以上のカテゴリーを話す・ダラダラ話す
Talking a lot in audio, asking for advice on various topics, talking about more than two or three categories, talking in a lazy way.
11: voice of heart音声で思いを伝える、言えなかった事を言う、意思を公開する、告白、プロポーズ等、会いたいと伝えるなど
Voice your feelings, say what you couldn't say, make your intentions public, confess, propose, etc., tell people you miss them, etc.
12: consultant信頼できる人に相談してみよう。友達・仲間・知り合い・師など
Talk to someone you trust. Friends, associates, acquaintances, mentors, etc.
13: transfer他の異性に進んでいったほうがよさそう。今好きな人とはあまりうまくいかないので一旦外を向いてみるのもあり。
It would be better to move on to other members of the opposite sex. You may have to look outwards for a time as things are not going so well with the person you love at the moment.
14: yourself自分の為に時間を使おう。スキルアップ・友達との交流・女(男)磨きなど。
Use the time for yourself. Improve your skills, socialise with friends, improve your woman (or man) skills, etc.

Cover Image for 【占い勉強を簡単に】占いの方法!恋札占いで好きな人の気持ちを占う





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